Joana Rchy

With her debut, Joana Rchy gives us an intimate insight into her soul.

Fragility and pain meet defiance and rebellion. The five songs cover a spectrum from indie pop, trip hop and Rock. The words stay lyrical and deal with unsuccessful love, Insomnia and the feeling of being at the mercy of a sick society. But Joana also shows strength and embodies her personal credo with great elegance: Fall down, get up, adjust the crown, walk on. A lesson she learned throughout her journey.


VÖ: 14.05.2021

Am 12.09.2020 erscheint nach langem Warten nun endlich Joana Rchys erste Single "Tame Those Lions Less".
Eine starke Nummer, die klingt wie eine Hommage an den zeitlosen, rollenden Sound von Portishead mit dem Spirit der frühen 90er Jahre und doch ganz klar im Hier und Jetzt.


VÖ: 12.09.2020